Depressions Affect on Sleep

Depressions Affect on Sleep

Why doesn’t depression affect everyone?

It’s not your fault that you are depressed, it’s not the events in life that make us depressed, it’s not so much what happens to us, it has more to do with how we respond to the event.

So why does depression affect some people more than others.

They say that problems come in three’s, sometimes it seems that way, that it’s one thing after the other, 

it just seems too much at one time and it throws us off balance, we feel overwhelmed for a while it’s almost as if our minds become exhausted.

When our stress levels go up with negative thinking on the current situation, catastrophising, fearing the worst possible outcome, can cause you a lot of anxiety

As a result, our motivation and energy levels may fall, they begin to tire with too much stress and worry, it’s a bit like putting one foot on the car accelerator and the other on the brake.

Question = If you pull on a neck chain where will it break,
Answer =  At the weakest link.

If some of your human needs are not being met, then these may become your weak link, which may fail when you are confronted with some of life challenges (no one said life would be easy)
Cortisol (the stress hormone) increases and lowers our immune system, which in turn interferes with our sleep, causing us to dream more and we miss out on deep restorative sleep, as a result our brains are active 50% more than normal dreaming.

You wake up asking yourself “Why you’re so exhausted ? I know I slept because I was dreaming all night”
Serotonin should shut down your REM sleep (dreaming) and take you down into deep restorative sleep where your body and mind can recover and repair. (stressful Cortisol interferes with the Serotonin receptors resulting in too much dreaming)

The first step is to teach the client how to reduce their stress by teaching them progressive relaxation techniques

To let them know it’s not their fault but that there is something they can do about it.

One of the first signs that you are lifting your depression is renewed energy and hope

The road to recovery is through understanding the depression process, and starting to change the parts that make it.
Working on relaxation techniques is very helpful in the healing process

Sometimes it can be down to our style of thinking, like some people see the world through Rose Tinted Glasses.
Some people may see the world through “depressed glasses” its the therapist job to help you to remove the glasses, being depressed can be achieved very quickly as if its a learned response,

As if to let the world know, because when you are depressed you look depressed however it’s not your fault, as we can very quickly learn these behaviours, we can just as quickly  unlearn them.

A depressed brain is a stressed brain, its not about having negative thoughts, it ,s due to prolonged stress which can result in black and white thinking, stress can fog the logical brain over making it hard to find a solution to our problems 

Relaxing and reducing the stress can be achieved with exercise (as little as a 20 min walk a day in the fresh air) a therapeutic massage, a spa treatment, walking and talking with friends, this can lower the stress enough to allow you to begin to think straight again, being able to see the Grey Areas  (not just black and white) using less of the emotional brain and more of you problem solving logic.

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Treat your PTSD or phobia comfortably and quickly with rewind technique


For many years, severe anxiety-based conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias were considered treatable only through long, painful exposure therapy, and in some cases, not at all.

Now, thankfully, we have access to a Comfortable, Effective Treatment that can Greatly Reduce, and even Remove, Traumatic or Phobic Symptoms Quickly.

Results for the Rewind Technique

Although research into the Rewind Technique is still in its infancy, one study carried out by the Human Givens Institute in the UK showed the following results: (Study size: 30 people)

  • 40% of clients rated rewind as extremely successful.
  • 53% rated it as successful.
  • 7% rated it as acceptable.

No one rated the Rewind Technique poor or as a failure.

  • Prior to rewind, on average clients rated their well being as 12 out of 50.
  • Seven to 10 days after treatment, the average score was up to 30.3 out of 50.
  • Three to six months later, the average score was 32.2.

This represents an improvement of 167.4 % on their original ratings.

A four-year study carried out within NOVA (part of the Barnardo’s charity) showed similarly impressive results:

Study size: 47 people, 57% of whom treated with Rewind alone.

  • 26 would have met the criteria for PTSD.
  • After treatment none of the forty-seven people treated met the criteria for PTSD.
  • There was also a significant reduction of all sub symptoms associated with PTSD, five categories had zero reports after treatment.

(Human Givens journal Volume 14, No 4- 2007)

You do not need you to go over the traumatic incident again

Many people with trauma or phobias have been treated using approaches which drag them back through the experience again; a highly unpleasant thing to have to do.

This does not happen with the Rewind, and I do not in fact even need to know the details of what happened to you.

So if you suffer from PTSD or phobias I can help, Call 07401 180 488 for more info and free consultation

The Importance of Dream Sleep (REM) but not too much

Why we evolved to dream comes from the groundbreaking research of the eminent psychologist Joseph Griffin. For the first time Joe created a theory that is accepted by many eminent psychologists the world over. 

It has been agreed for some time that dreams deal with emotion. However, not all emotion causes dreaming. Only emotional arousal unexpressed while awake causes us to dream. if you become angry with someone at work but cannot express it then this frustration will probably be played out during dreaming.

The brain will ‘flush out’ emotional arousal by creating a dream of a scenario that parallels the real-life experience – a metaphor. So, the work colleague from above might be symbolised by a monster and your anger would be allowed expression as you attacked the dream creature.